Best Board Games For Kids
Board games are a great way to spend some quality time with the kids when the weather or something else prevents you from going outside. A fun game is one of the few things that can get a kid's attention away from their phone, so take advantage of this opportunity while you can. In addition to being a lot of fun, board games can also teach your children a lot of important skills. These are the five best board games for children.
Clue is a murder mystery game that has been around for more than 70 years. The game forces the players to use strategy and deduction to fully solve the murder. The location, weapon, and person involved in the crime are completely random every game, so you and the kids will never get tired of playing. The kids will have so much fun playing that they will not even realize they are learning and using logic.
Connect Four
You will have a hard time finding a simpler board game than Connect Four, but that does not keep it from being a joy to play. This two-player game has each person taking turns placing a colored disk on the board. A game is over after a player connects four of their discs in a straight line. Young kids will love the simplicity of the rules while older kids and adults will enjoy the deep strategy involved in an intense Connect Four game.
Sorry! is still one of the most popular family board games in the United States despite being created more than 90 years ago. The game revolves around four different players attempting to navigate their four pawns all the way around the board. The real fun comes when you are able to land on another player's pawn and send it all the way back to the start. This creates a fun reaction from the whole family every time a pawn is sent back. Just be prepared for the kids to hunt you down more than their siblings.
Monopoly is another classic board game that is perfect to play with the kids. It only takes a few games of Monopoly for your kids to get a better understanding of resource management and money management. These are key life lessons that everyone must learn in order to have a prosperous life. There are so many different variations of Monopoly available these days that it should not be too hard to find want that fits the interests of your kids.
Ticket to Ride Junior
Ticket to Ride has only been around for roughly 15 years, but it has quickly become one of the most popular board games in the world. The game tasks the players with building train routes throughout the United States and Canada. The game has the perfect mix of simplicity, strategy, and fun. The Junior edition features a smaller board with shorter train routes. This creates a quicker game that is more manageable for young children.
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